It's that flu jab time of year again!
It's that flu jab time of year again! F lu jabs are now here. They are coming in batches so best check what is available. THERE ARE TWO DIFFERENT SORTS OF JAB THIS YEAR! Currently we have stock for the over 65 AND under 65 age groups. They are free of charge and are recommended for all those over 65 years , all pregnant women (at whatever stage), those under 65 (including children over 6m) in certain high risk groups - see below - and you may also qualify if you are a carer for a vulnerable person or receive the carer's allowance or live in a long stay care facility. Last year was pretty bad, so don't delay! This year is a little more complex in view of the 2 different flu vaccines - the ' Trivalent' which works best for those over 65yrs (is is 'adjuvanted' meaning it has an extra booster built into it in view of the rather more lethargic immune system as we get older) and the 'Quadrivalent' for those at risk in the younge...