Consult us online with E-Consults!
E-Consults are here You now have the chance to consult with doctors or administrators using an online form and receive a response by the end of the next working day. Great for administrative requests or medical concerns when you are unsure what to do next or if you may not need to be seen. We'll asses the problem and get back to you and often sort out your problem without the need to take time out to come in! Go to our Website and click on the large banner on the home page : You will be offered 3 choices : Find out specific information about your condition - this will lead you to detailed information about your symptoms or illness, if you know what you are looking for. It will offer you various solutions which may also include an e-consultation with the GP. The information provided is all sensible, evidence based NHS approved content which will save you being led up the garden path or unnecessarily worried by the usual Googl...