Huge changes decided for NHS NW London

You've probably been reading about some of the massive changes about to hit the health system in North West London and may have contributed to the consultation exercise or attended some of the roadshows. Now the decision has been made and the summary is here and the full gory details are here.

At least two major hospitals will be downgraded over the next three years: Northwick Park will remain a major hospital in this area with a new large A&E serving a huge area but Central Middlesex, Charing Cross and Ealing are being downgraded and some of their services moved elsewhere and the Hammersmith also faces major changes. 

A lot of hospital work will be moving out into the 'community' - wherever that is - and it remains to be seen how and where that is to be accommodated and who delivers it and will the resources really be there.There is an aspirational  Brent Out of Hospital Plan.
If we haven't had enough meetings and papers this year, there will be many more over the next couple of years as the details are hammered out. Patients need to become more involved in helping to make these decisions and it is useful to keep in touch via the dedicated website and we'll bring you the headlines as they affect us.

Our patient group will be involved and welcomes new members; please contact our Practice Manager on 0208 204 7456 or email


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