2018 National GP Survey results out

2018 National GP Patient Survey

The national GP Patient Survey is run by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the NHS each year. They send out questionnaires in January to random patients from a GP register to gain an idea of what patients think about their practice. 394 surveys were sent to our patients and 125 were returned. As in previous years the results are generally good.

72% found it easy to get through on the phone (67% locally, 70% nationally)
79% were satisfied with the appointment times (65% locally, 66% nationally)
73% were offered a choice of appointment (65% locally, 62% nationally)
71% describe their experience of making an appointment as good (63% locally, 69% nationally)
90% say the health professional they saw was good at giving enough time (81% locally, 87% nationally)
92% say the healthcare professional was good at listening to them (86% locally, 89% nationally)

The full results are here

If you are really brave there are huge spreadsheets to download to compare every practice and CCG area in the country. 


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