Passport Applications
We are sorry, but due to recent changes, we are no longer allowed to countersign UK passport applications.
The Gov.UK website explains who can sign the applications:
The Gov.UK website explains who can sign the applications:
Who can sign forms and photos
Personal relationship
The countersignatory must:
- have known the person applying for at least 2 years
- be able to identify the person applying, eg they’re a friend, neighbour or colleague (not just someone who knows them professionally)
They can’t be closely related or involved with the person applying, eg:
- related by birth or marriage
- be in a relationship or live at the same address as the person applying
The sentence above we have emboldened explains that we can no longer sign as just knowing you as your doctor but we have to know as a friend, neighbour or colleague.
Further, doctors are no longer in the list of trusted professionals - we have been relegated from our previous position "of being people of good standing in the community". We wonder what we have done wrong? We note MPs are still on the list!
Countersignatories must work in (or be retired from) a recognised profession or be ‘a person of good standing in their community’, eg:
- accountant
- airline pilot
- articled clerk of a limited company
- assurance agent of recognised company
- bank/building society official
- barrister
- chairman/director of limited company
- chiropodist
- commissioner of oaths
- councillor, eg local or county
- civil servant (permanent), but not someone who works for Her Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO)
- dentist
- director/manager/personnel officer of a VAT-registered company
- engineer - with professional qualifications
- financial services intermediary, eg a stockbroker or insurance broker
- fire service official
- funeral director
- insurance agent (full time) of a recognised company
- journalist
- Justice of the Peace
- legal secretary - fellow or associate member of the Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs
- licensee of public house
- local government officer
- manager/personnel officer of a limited company
- member, associate or fellow of a professional body
- Member of Parliament
- Merchant Navy officer
- minister of a recognised religion - including Christian Science
- nurse - RGN or RMN
- officer of the armed services
- optician
- paralegal - certified paralegal, qualified paralegal or associate member of the Institute of Paralegals
- person with honours, eg an OBE or MBE
- pharmacist
- photographer - professional
- police officer
- Post Office official
- president/secretary of a recognised organisation
- Salvation Army officer
- social worker
- solicitor
- surveyor
- teacher, lecturer
- trade union officer
- travel agent - qualified
- valuer or auctioneer - fellows and associate members of the incorporated society
- Warrant Officers and Chief Petty Officers
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