Want to get fit, lose weight, stop smoking?

...but find it hard? Don't we all! (of course if it was easy, nobody would be unfit, overweight and smoke)

NHS Choices website has made it somewhat easier and we at Willow Tree Family Doctors recommend it! 

It has a growing collection of excellent mini-sites dealing with tackling these life enhancing (and life preserving) self improvement programmes with excellent tips and free apps to download to your mobile phone to help become and remain motivated. 

There is just so much advice out there - everyone is cashing in (and trying to get your cash!) and you don't know who to listen to, with new fads every weeks. NHS Choices has sifted through the information and makes a great place to start, for instance with its review of the current popular diets .

The advice on NHS Choices is all non commercial, evidence based and reliable, drawn up by experts and the programmes offered are realistic and really can help. With all the recommended programmes and changes you will notice improvements in you health, well-being and shape pretty fast! 

Try these for starters: Getting fit, try running (Couch to 5K), stop smoking,  think about drink , eat healthier  , lose weight


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